By | 27/12/2024

A man’s reputation is determined by his woman and a woman’s beauty is determined by her man: –

Some pictures are very beautiful. So beautiful that a big book can be written on them, yet the matter will not be over… Just look at this picture, wonder how many unsolved questions have answers in this picture….

Women’s feet are very beautiful. So beautiful, that civilization keeps the Mahavar imprint of those feet in its lap. Men’s feet are not that beautiful…protruding thighs, protruding bones, cracked heels…just like peacock’s feet are not beautiful…

I think like a typical villager. A common village man makes his feet ugly only so that his wife can apply henna on her beautiful feet. While trying to ensure that the soot on a woman’s foot does not get torn, the soot on her foot gets torn….

A woman is beautiful from toe to toe, not a man. The beauty of a man appears on his face when he adapts to adverse circumstances on the strength of his courage.

While creating God, he made a slight difference in the height of men and women. Men became taller, women became shorter. when Mother Goddess came to the court of King Janak at the time of Swayambar to garland Lord Ram, the Lord appeared taller than her. Mother had to shrug, but the Lord himself bowed his head. Both became equal.

It is from there that we learn everything… If there is love, dedication and respect in man-woman relationships, then even the biggest difference can be bridged by a little shrug or a bow.

Actually, power in relationships is not proportional to the body. There can be equality between two people neither on the basis of beauty nor on the basis of physical strength… only if there is equality in feelings then both become equal. The beauty of Siyaram has been decided by the imagination of poets. The essence is that in the days of separation, Ram remained with Sita every moment even after wandering in the forests, and even after living in the garden of golden Lanka, Sita remained with Ram every moment… The feelings of both were equal, so both were always equal…

The elders of the village say that a man’s reputation is decided by his woman and a woman’s beauty is decided by her man… Only when there is dedication between the two, their world becomes beautiful.

Well, if we relax the definition of beauty a bit then the most beautiful parts of a human being are his feet. So beautiful, that they are worshipped.